So many tributes given, so many personal stories of encounters with the Queen told. A loved Monarch who for many of us was the only one that we have ever known. You never know how these events are going to affect you, and I was thrown slightly sideaways yesterday at the news. The past ten years have not been a time of stability in our nation, our politics or our society and this just feels like another seismic shift in the tectonic plates of Britain in the 21st century. But continue we will, and Britain is awfully good at ensuring that the continuity of government and monarchy is maintained.
When I was Leader of Scottish Borders Council I was briefed on Operation Unicorn. It was a very large red folder that was held securely in an office. It was something that everyone planned for meticulously and somehow never thought would actually happen, our Queen was timeless, a constant, ever reigning, never moving, inscrutable, indestructible and faithful.
I remember on the day of lockdown when she made that speech to the nation, calming nerves and making you feel that everything was going to be alright, few others could have achieved that.
Her faith was central to all that she did and said, from her first speech to her last she knew God’s presence and light in her life, I don’t think it was any coincidence that there were rainbows over Buckingham Palace yesterday, she was a Good and Faithful Servant.
While I am writing this I am watching the Gun salutes from around Britain and the world. The love and affection felt for the Queen from our armed forces was a real one, and one that was borne out of an understanding that she had served, just as they are called to serve.
Her life was one of duty and service, but never a burden, never did she feel that her calling was a burden or heavy. She felt God’s calling on her life and to her it was a joy. How much then can we learn from this life of service, this life of duty.
Rest in Peace your Majesty, and Rise in Glory.
God Save the King.